
Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) initiated the Teaching Development Grants (TDG) scheme in the 1994–1995 academic year to enhance the quality of teaching and learning. The scheme was established with funding from internal sources and subsequently… 


As one of the recommendations of the UGC’s report “Aspirations for the Higher Education System in Hong Kong” published in December 2010, the establishment of Communities of Practice (CoPs) is one of the means to encourage high quality teaching and to sustain institutional emphasis on teaching… 


Providing more cross-cultural learning opportunities to our students and promoting internationalisation are the priorities in the Institutional Strategic Plan 2018-2028. In this light, our University has been promoting blended learning and developing partnership with overseas universities. Developing Small Private Online Courses (SPOCs) and other blended learning initiatives… 


The UGC established the Fund for Innovative Technology-in-Education (FITE) in late June 2023 to support UGC-funded universities to harness innovative and breakthrough technology in transforming pedagogies and enriching student learning experiences… 


A list of Inter-institutional Collaborative Activities (IICA) Projects funded by the Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG) in 2022-25 is… 


To encourage wider adoption of virtual teaching and learning (VTL) and to sustain strategic development of VTL for longer-term, the UGC and the Quality Assurance Council introduced in 2021 a Special Grant for Strategic Development of Virtual Teaching and Learning… 


In view of the overwhelming support to the Funding Scheme in the last triennium, the UGC launches another round of the Scheme in the 2016-19 triennium. The objective of the Funding Scheme is to…


With a view to motivating institutions to accelerate the adoption of pedagogical changes and innovations in teaching, the University Grants Committee (UGC) has introduced a new funding scheme in 2014 with tripartite funding from the UGC, the Education Bureau and UGC-funded institutions. The funding scheme provides one-off funding to support worthwhile initiatives …. 


List of completed projects and articles in Learning Communities Journal (Special Issue) …